Better Gardening with a Geodesic Greenhouse

The wild weather of the last few years has gardeners frustrated. It seems like something is always happening in the extreme: Too hot, too wet, too dry, too cold…way too cold – we’ve experienced it all. Geodesic dome greenhouses take some of the frustration out of gardening because they give you more control. They also extend the growing season, even when the “growing season” turns out to be nearly non-existent. You’ve probably seen one of these beautiful old greenhouses that look something like this greenhouse in Brazil:

a large decorative greenhouse

It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Greenhouses have a long history – dating back to at least 30 A.D. when Rome’s emperor Tiberius believed he needed to eat a cucumber every day to save his health. You know the Romans, they got cracking and make something beautiful and functional: The Specularium. Their structure had thin sheets of translucent mica over the top to let light in and required a small army of men to keep fires burning outside the walls at all times to keep it warm. Today’s technology is so much better, but the idea is the same. Maximize penetration of light and heat from the sun and trap it in a structure that doesn’t let it escape. The trick is to not overheat the structure and cook the plants; circulation is a key element to a well-functioning greenhouse. Now, building, maintaining and circulating air through a crystal palace like the one in the picture is an expensive endeavor. Those would be some pricey cucumbers!

Geodesic greenhouses, on the other hand, are a miracle of modern materials. They are now affordable, easy to set up and maintain, and unbelievably energy efficient. Our geodesic greenhouses have a curved interior that allows the maximum amount of light to penetrate and helps air circulate via an automatic venting system that is heat activated. Here’s the best part: It requires no electricity to operate.

Our greenhouses are so much less fragile than glass and so much more durable than polycarbonate panels. In fact, the outside cover is made of a clear woven fabric that is 10 times stronger than regular plastic greenhouse covers. Each of our geodesic dome greenhouses also come with various ventilation options that can be used to lower temperatures in hot summer months.

No-electricity-required, durable, lightweight, portable, heated and vented plant shelters also happen make excellent people shelters in an emergency. Geodesic shelters allow the heat absorbed by the earth and everything in the structure, to radiate out through the night. It’s an amazing way to harness nature’s best source of heat and life!

If you’d like to learn more about Geodesic greenhouses and how they can help you extend your growing season, or even keep you safe and toasty in an emergency, check out our website or give us a call. The gardening (and storm) season is upon us!


With upper windows and roll-up sides, there is the ability to have the amount of ventilation necessary for a climate like Florida. If more ventilation is needed, a ventilator can be added to move more air.

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