Freeze Dried Dog and Cat Food

catAs skin allergies reach weirdly epidemic proportions in the pet population, many owners have been forced to start making their own dog and cat food. Some have turned to making their own pet food because they like sourcing local ingredients, having a way to use leftovers, and having the peace of mind that they know exactly what their animals are eating. Others are working with their vet to identify the source of the allergies, which means rotating limited ingredient food and unique proteins every three months. Some of these unique proteins like ostrich, kangaroo or elk aren’t readily available, so you have to make it yourself. Therefore, dog and cat food preparation is now a weekly activity in kitchens all over the country.

Fortunately, making your own pet food is so easy. Once you’ve done it a few times, you can whip up a batch in about 15 minutes and have it ready for your freeze dryer. Plus, you’ll know what your pet is eating, you can avoid  chemicals and additives, you’ll reduce food waste and you will very likely save money – especially if you include the vet trips you’ll avoid because your pet is healthier.

There are plenty of recipes out there, talk to your vet or your local holistic vet to see what they recommend. A popular recipe from Dr. Ruth Roberts of Sun DogCat Moon in South Carolina includes 3 pounds of protein plus coconut oil, red beans, garlic, cruciferous vegetables and seasonal vegetables along with mustard, turmeric, salt and bone meal. It’s basically a pet-specific version of turkey chili. This recipe is so popular in the region that there’s hardly a restaurant that isn’t saving scraps for their loyal patrons. By freeze drying a recipe such as this, you’ll eliminate the need to cook for your pet every week, and you can create a supply of healthy pet food in case of emergency.puppy being checked at the vet

Dogs go crazy for homemade food and you’ll very likely see an improvement your pet’s coat and skin, energy level and weight. Holistic vets also say you may see chronic problems such as yeast overgrowth and arthritis disappear. Cats can be more picky, but if you gradually increase the amount of homemade food mixed with their regular food, you’ll transform their diets as well.

Making your own pet food just makes sense. In the long run you’ll reduce what you spend on vet bills and expensive pre-packaged food, reduce food waste and you’ll know that your pet will always have enough to eat.


Is it possible to freeze dry cooked brown rice? I make my dog’s food due to allergies and the base for his food is eggs and brown rice. Being able to make his food in bulk batches for consumption later would be an absolute game changer.

Yes, you can definitely freeze dry cooked brown rice and eggs (among the other ingredients used for your dog’s food). After that, make sure you package the food properly with a quality mylar bag and oxygen absorber and you will have a wonderful product.

My poodle was having almost monthly seizures before I started making his food. His weight has remained healthy, he acts young for his ten year age and has only had one seizure in two years since I began. And it is very manageable both financially and time-wise to make his food now that it has become part of my routine. HOWEVER, the recipe provided by the veteranarian has some suggestions that are contrary to my research. Firstly you should never feed a dog garlic! Also, dogs need way more calcium than you would expect and this recipe does include bone meal, but doesn’t specify an amount; look it up, you may need more than you expect. The way I make sure my dog gets enough: I take egg shells and bake them then powder them with a mortar and pestle and mix a spoonful in while I am cooking his food, waste not want not. Good read, but do more research before you change yeour dog’s diet, it may seem like dry dog food is nutritionally inferior to homemade dog food (and it often is full of junk and filler) but it does have the right balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals for a dog. Remember, your dogs nutritional requirements are not the same as a human’s. Good suggestion on the coconut oil, it improves stinky breath.

I agree…never garlic. I purchased a semi commercial grinder that will grind soft bones like chicken, turkey and beef ribs. I grind chicken right with the bones raw and as I grind i add carrots and peas. I freeze dry this mixture and add the oil and fish sometime when feeding. Another great thing to make is chicken livers and gizzards as they need organ meat. I grind up the organ meat, cheap in stores, along with peas, carrots. Mix it with canned pumpkin and freeze dry. I mash it into a powder and about once or twice a week add a quarter cup to the food. It’s rich so don’t use too often but they love it! Also, while I’m on a roll, I slice beef liver and chicken into thin strips and freeze dry…great treats! My dogs eat better than me!

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