Growing Fruits in Your Garden Year Round

Adding fruits to your diet is essential to keeping yourself healthy, and growing fruit in your backyard comes with added benefits. You’ll enjoy fresh, chemical-free food and more physical activity when you grow your own. Even if you live in the city, you can grow your own fruit. It just takes some basic knowledge and a little homework. The infographic below will help you get started with your own fruit garden, no matter where you live. And, a freeze dryer is the PERFECT way to preserve all your beautiful fruits and veggies to last another 25 years.

How to grow fruit
all year round by team at Happy to Survive.


Lisa Farland is a content writer in Happy to Survive – a blog that will help you thrive and survive, and offers articles about preparedness, and off-the-grid, self-reliant living. Lisa is an avid minimalist camper, prepper and survivalist.

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