Holiday Gift Giving

Gift Jars The holidays are upon us. Does December seem to fly by without the opportunity for things that are most important: spending time with those closest to you, taking time for yourself: time to relax and enjoy the lights and music of the season, and doing kind deeds for others?  We think those things should be at the top of every list. And we have a few ideas to take away some of the stress that seems to come naturally this time of year.

Do you, like many of us, have a hard time deciding what to gift your neighbors, friends, and family? Have your friends mentioned how much they love your chicken noodle soup? Have you freeze-dried ice cream, or a yummy homemade dessert, that you would like to share?

Bottle-up those goodies and share them with those around you. It’s simple to add a festive tag that includes any necessary rehydrating instructions, tie it all together with some festive ribbon, and deliver. You may also find that a lot of joy comes from looking for opportunities in your area to give to strangers. Seal freeze-dried food in mylar bags, tie a pair of warm gloves with each, and share them with the less fortunate, homeless, or a family in need. We are certain that the interaction will be just as memorable as the freeze-dried food.

Whether you have freeze-dried food to give, or maybe you are just giving of your time in other ways, you will find that it lifts your spirits to do small, simple things for others.

Share your gift-giving pictures and stories on our Facebook page.

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