Freeze-Dried Skittles

freeze dried skittles

Freeze-dried Skittles are all the rage with the Harvest Right crowd and we definitely think they’re worth a try.

There’s no real reason to preserve Skittles for long-term storage, but freeze drying them makes them crunchy instead of chewy. The flavor is even more intense, and you don’t have that stick-to-your-teeth sensation. To freeze dry Skittles, just place them in a single layer on a Harvest Right freeze dryer tray and process in your home freeze dryer. The inside filling will expand, cracking the candy shell and doubling the size of the candy. Sometimes they come out in really odd shapes, which just ups the fun factor.

Freeze-dried Skittles have a powerful tangy flavor that pairs nicely with salted peanuts. Freeze-dried mini marshmallows have a creamy flavor that cuts through the citrus of the Skittles, so a half-and-half combination is extra tasty.

Freeze-dried Skittles
Do you have freeze-dried Skittles in fun shapes? Are you experimenting with other interesting food? Share it with us on our Facebook page!

Freeze drying Skittles is just one of the many, many foods that can be preserved in a home freeze dryer. So, if you’re looking for the best way to preserve food for you and your family, you’re going to love the Harvest Right freeze dryer. This one-of-a-kind freeze dryer allows a family to preserve the meals, fruits, vegetables, meats and snacks they love to eat. Freeze drying is remarkable because, unlike other methods of preserving, it does not shrink or toughen food, and retains flavor, color, shape, and nutritional content.

Learn more about freeze drying food at home with a Harvest Right freeze dryer by visiting


Harvest Right is the only maker of Home Freeze Dryers. You can buy directly from them, or, one of their resellers.

Wish there were a way to make monthly payments to buy. Several thousand dollars just isn’t in my budget.

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