Those Pesky New Year Resolutions

It’s that time again. Our social media feeds are full of advertisements for this or that product, gym, gear, or supplement. Everybody wants to capitalize on the millions of people who start every year with a new resolve to be healthy. Yet, studies show that by February, 70% of those people will have abandoned their desire. It won’t be long before the ads once again focus on other interests, and the center aisles of the stores hold something other than protein bars and shakes.

Most people can mentally focus on something as a priority for only a short time before the realities and demands of everyday life close in. Going to the gym for hours every day is fine for about two weeks. Then we find that the laundry has piled up, the kids need help with homework, the boss wants some overtime hours, or the spouse is impatient. Suddenly, other things creep in, and the gym falls to the bottom of the list.

Many years ago, I was introduced to the concept of living by two degrees. Centuries ago, when a ship left port, the most important person on board was the navigator. If the ship was off path by even one or two degrees, nobody could tell immediately. However, by the time that ship crossed the sea, that one or two degrees could send them to an entirely different country. In the same way, making small changes now may not seem like a big deal, but a year down the road, you may find yourself in an entirely new lifestyle.

Harvest Right Freeze Dryers are the perfect complement to healthy goals. Whether you eat paleo, gluten-free, keto, or any other plan, you can find those recipes that you adore, then simply freeze dry and keep them available. Most of us are derailed by simply failing to plan, and falling prey to the fast food chains or vending machines. In our home, low-carb, low-fat is the norm, so our favorite soups and casseroles are often freeze-dried. That single serving of zucchini lasagna doesn’t need to go into the trash bin. Freeze dry it, and vacuum seal in a portion sized pouch. Scrambled eggs or frittatas are easy, cheap, and make perfect meals on the fly. Even the occasional sugar free dessert gets freeze dried when there is more than we need to consume over a few days.

We keep a basket on the counter now, much like we used to have single portions in the door of the freezer. When Mama has a meeting or Dad is playing golf, there is nothing easier than grabbing a portion of whatever it is that your taste buds are screaming for, and rehydrating for a quick meal. We know that everything in that basket is going to be tasty, homemade, and seasoned the way we like it. 

If you want 2019 to be YOUR year, the Harvest Right Freeze Dryer can help. The road to success is conquered with the first step. Make the call, and let us help you achieve your goals. Happy New Year from Harvest Right!

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