Several months ago, we heard of a virus raging around the world, and we knew it was going to visit the US. Some people over-reacted, some didn’t react at all, and a small segment of the population breathed a sigh of relief as others stormed stores, buying everything they could get their hands on.

Within a few days, toilet paper became the most valuable commodity in the states. Alcohol, hand sanitizer, wipes, gloves, and masks followed. Sure enough, a few days later, the shift to food occurred, and the stores looked like a plague of locusts had swept the aisles. 

We sat down with two neighbor families and took stock of our situation.  With two freeze dryers between us and a strong preparedness mentality, we knew we had the food situation under control. To make sure, we took inventory. We had been busy, and there was plenty of meat to hold us over until the stores could restock, however long it took.  We had casseroles, soups, vegetables, fruits, and dairy.

It was amazing to me how quickly we just shook our head in amazement and turned to other pressing matters. We went from the quick discussion about our food supply straight into the other needs.  We checked our combined medical, and found masks, medications, holistic health items, and a good supply of fermented foods to boost our immunity, which we keep in rotation year-round.  We took an afternoon and made some thieves vinegar for disinfecting if needed.

While we didn’t know years ago that we would face a pandemic, our dryers were purchased to provide food security. For many years, that security meant being able to live frugally while preparing for retirement. It meant sending a huge box of food to family when Hurricane Florence hit the east coast. It meant having something nutritious to eat while finishing a new retirement tiny house. It meant being able to have something hot at the ding of a microwave. And now, I can say that it carried us through a pandemic food shortage.

I never sat down one day and said, “Gee, I need a Harvest Right so I can survive social chaos and a pandemic.” As things settle down a bit, and there is talk of life returning to normal for some of us, I have never been more grateful than today for my machine. It hasn’t saved my life, but it has made my life much easier. As people in our area scrambled to find food items, we were able to help some of them. The simple comfort of being able to set this one big worry aside and focus on other important needs was enough to make me grateful for the great folks at Harvest Right.

If you haven’t purchased your freeze dryer, what are you waiting for?  If a global pandemic isn’t enough to convince you, then listen to my words. The experts are saying that this virus could reemerge in the fall when temperatures cool again. You have time to provide food security for your family. Give Harvest Right a call today.

Donna Hoaks has reappeared after a short absence, during which she and her husband retired, sold off their possessions, excluding her Harvest Right which will be passed on to waiting heirs. They relocated to Texas to partner with friends and co-homestead on their 11 acre farm. Common interests and goals combine with the ability to get more accomplished with less work and more time to enjoy life. Donna and her husband have completed a 400 square foot tiny home, and she offers unique perspectives on preparedness and self-reliance.


Hi Donna,
Nice Storey, I pretty much observed the same story during the past few months. But, my Harvest Right didn’t get to me until the end of April. My question in experimenting with different foods is Herbs and Rose Petals in particular. Do you have any experience freeze drying Rose Petals?
I’ve been pre freezing everything before putting into the machine. Do I want to do that with Rose Petals?
Or just stick them in there and push the button.
Also, I tried to do a custom dry time, and it still took 13+ hrs when I put it on 8. Is there a way to shorten the run time? Or do I just interrupt the drying time and check the stuff to see if it’s done?
Thank you for your time.

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