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Thanksgiving Leftovers

Thanksgiving means getting to indulge on turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and pie and the days after Thanksgiving mean eating the leftovers. Turkey sandwiches, turkey soup, turkey casseroles – even with getting creative, it can be sometimes difficult to eat all that leftover food. Rather than tossing your leftovers, or continuing to move them around in the […]

Layaway Options Available

Harvest Right Freeze Dryers preserve food that looks and tastes better than store-bought freeze-dried food and at a total cost that is thousands less. Freeze drying is also simple to do – much easier than canning or dehydrating. If you care about having an emergency food supply, a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer is the best […]

Cost Comparison: Store Bought Freeze Dried Eggs vs. Harvest Right

There’s a great new video up by Retired at 40 that you’re going to want to see. (If you don’t follow Retired at 40 on YouTube, the videos chronicle what a retired almost-40-year-old does all day while his wife is at work. He gets up to some fun home projects, experiments, and shenanigans.) In his […]