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Cost Comparison: Store Bought Freeze Dried Eggs vs. Harvest Right

There’s a great new video up by Retired at 40 that you’re going to want to see. (If you don’t follow Retired at 40 on YouTube, the videos chronicle what a retired almost-40-year-old does all day while his wife is at work. He gets up to some fun home projects, experiments, and shenanigans.) In his […]

Breakfast Vegetables: Part of a Healthier New Year

Fresh starts are so exciting, which is why we love January. The cookies are gone, the parties are over, and it’s time to focus on new goals – and getting back into pants that don’t have elastic in the waist. Sure, you can join a gym or commit to a regular exercise regime, but exercise […]

Better Breakfasts with a Home Freeze Dryer

There are plenty of reasons why eating a healthy breakfast is important: Boosts your metabolism – good news for anyone trying to lose weight, especially those who have hit the dreaded middle age metabolism slow down. Helps keep blood sugar levels even throughout the day. Reduces risk of overeating later in the day. A healthy […]

October is National Eat Better / Eat Together Month

October is National Eat Better / Eat Together Month, and we think both of those things sound like good ideas. With the holidays looming, getting a jump on a healthy eating plan and a strategy to navigate the upcoming feasts can help you stay on track. Eating together, whether it’s as a family or as […]

National Blueberry Cheesecake Day

Can you believe there’s a holiday for cheesecake lovers? National Blueberry Cheesecake Day is May 26th. From its earliest beginnings, to its current iconic status around the world, this creamy cake remains a favorite for people of all ages. Cheesecake is a mixture of fresh soft cheese, cream cheese or cottage cheese, eggs, and sugar on […]

Make Ahead Holiday Breakfasts

If your house is anything like most of ours, holidays begin with big family breakfasts. The problem is, if you’re cooking a big Christmas or New Year’s dinner, there’s no room or counter space to also cook a big breakfast for everyone. That’s where your freeze dryer comes in. Breakfast foods freeze dry so well […]

4 Unique Foods You Can Freeze Dry

Providing healthy, fresh food to your family can be challenging—especially when your life is full of deadlines, carpools, homework, after-school activities, and everyday chores. Canning and dehydrating food helps, but each of those processes robs food of nutritional value and even when you freeze your food to retain the nutrition, it comes with an expiration […]