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Saving Your Leftover Thanksgiving Pies

Did you, like many of us, make or buy too many pies for Thanksgiving? Have you eaten and sampled and re-eaten until you don’t want to eat that pie again for another year? Well, before you toss them out, how about freeze drying some of those leftover desserts? We simply took the extra pies: razzleberry, […]

Saving Thanksgiving Dinner

This week is Thanksgiving and it seems almost everyone will be making so many of the delicious foods they love to eat. But, sometimes there’s so much food leftover from Thanksgiving dinner that it would require the local National Guard to polish it off. However, if you have a freeze dryer, you can save all […]

Freeze Dried After School Snacks

There’s that magical time after school and before dinner when kids turn into starving little monsters with bottomless stomachs. Actually that sounds like most of us right around 3:00 p.m., so feel free to commandeer a few portions for yourself! Managing snacks is important – healthy nibbles helps kids get through homework or sports practice […]

Freeze Drying and Re-hydrating Crunchy Vegetables

It’s the end of the final harvest time for many gardeners around the country. Cooling temperatures and more rain give vegetable plants a boost, so you’re likely to end up with more than you can handle. Traditionally, gardeners would either can or freeze their surplus for use in winter. However, those two methods tend to do […]

Severe Food Allergies? You Need a Home Freeze Dryer.

Recently one of the Harvest Right team was traveling in Europe and overheard a woman in a restaurant attempting to explain to a waiter, in broken Italian, that she had broad and severe food allergies. She couldn’t have fat, dairy, gluten, eggs, beans, corn, and a whole other list of foods. It was a difficult […]

Freeze Drying Process from Beginning to End

Do you want to see the freeze drying process from beginning to end; from freeze drying to packaging to rehydrating? Our new video shows Jackie prepping raspberries, apples, ice cream sandwiches, scalloped potatoes, and ham for the freeze dryer. She also shows how to properly package the food and the steps to quickly rehydrate a delicious dinner. The process is […]

National Preparedness Month

Did you know that September is National Preparedness Month? It’s the perfect time for you and your family to get ready in the chance of an emergency like a tornado, severe weather, earthquake, flood, terrorism, etc. It serves as a reminder that we all must take action to prepare, not only during the month of […]

Freeze Drying the Harvest

Hard to believe, but it’s harvest time once again. This is actually one of our favorite times of the year. The heat is starting to break, the garden is going crazy with a finale of more vegetables than we can eat in a week, and we get to share that bounty with friends and neighbors. […]

Rehydrating Full Meals

Do you know how easy it is to freeze dry and rehydrate full meals? Freeze drying gives you the ability to prepare and preserve the food your family loves to eat. The possibilities are endless; lasagna, cheese macaroni, soups and stews, chicken, casseroles, pork chops, and so much more! You can buy or prepare meals, […]