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Cost Comparison: Store Bought Freeze Dried Eggs vs. Harvest Right

There’s a great new video up by Retired at 40 that you’re going to want to see. (If you don’t follow Retired at 40 on YouTube, the videos chronicle what a retired almost-40-year-old does all day while his wife is at work. He gets up to some fun home projects, experiments, and shenanigans.) In his […]

5 Tips for Building an Emergency Food Plan

Record-breaking cold has been sweeping nearly every part of the country this month. Cold temperatures bring snow, ice, and winter emergencies. Most people don’t keep much food in their pantries, which causes panic at the grocery stores when weather warnings hit the airwaves. Worse, winter storms can cause food shortages and dangerous conditions for those […]

5 Ways to Simplify Kitchen Life in 2018

While New Year’s Resolutions may not be your thing, the idea of getting better with each passing year has a certain appeal. Being busy – too busy – can have negative consequences for health, personal goals, and relationships. Simplifying life in the kitchen – how you shop for, make, serve, and store food – can […]