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Freeze-Dried Turkey Noodle Soup

Leftover Thanksgiving turkey makes wonderful turkey noodle soup. It never fails that the week after Thanksgiving you think you never want to see another turkey again. But by January…you’re thinking mmmmm…..turkey. Freeze drying turkey noodle soup is a perfect way to use up leftover turkey and save it for the day when turkey sounds delicious […]

Raise Your Hand if You’re Celebrating National Pizza Month!

It’s everyone’s favorite month! No, not December. It’s National Pizza Month! Here are some fun facts: Americans eat 3 billion pizzas every year Kids between the ages of 3 and 11 say it’s their favorite food Pepperoni is the preferred topping, with 251,770,000 pounds crowning pizzas every year, however…. People report loving unusual toppings on […]

Freeze Drying Zucchini

Zucchini is one of those wonderful vegetables that is easy to grow, and grow plenty of. It has a fairly bland flavor, which makes it the perfect vegetable to sneak into recipes that range from bread and muffins to soups, stews, and scrambles. Nutritionally, zucchini is a good source of protein, Vitamin A, Thiamin, Niacin, […]

August is National Simplify Your Life Month

August is National Simplify Your Life Month. Doesn’t that sound nice? Preparing meals and stretching a food budget can take up a considerable amount of time and energy. Having a Harvest Right home freeze dryer can drastically reduce the amount of time and energy you spend in the kitchen. (It can also save you hundreds […]

Freeze Dryer Quickly Pays for Itself

A Home Freeze Dryer will quickly pay for itself in a number of ways: Preserve food you normally waste and throw away. Easily preserve produce from gardens and fruit trees. Create your own long term, emergency food storage. A number of studies show that an average American family wastes 40% of their food purchases per […]

Celebrate National Dairy Month With Freeze Dried Dairy

June is National Dairy Month and is a great way to start the summer with nutrient-rich dairy foods. Dairy products contain nine essential nutrients which may help to better manage your weight, reduce your risk for high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and certain cancers. We all know dairy products have a short shelf life in your […]

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer Review

Are you on the fence about purchasing a freeze dryer? Here is a review from one of our customers that may help you decide. It’s a little long, but very informational, and well worth the read. It even includes a few tips for the beginner. Read the full review here: “In this review I cover what you get […]

Freeze Drying Easter Leftovers

Ham, spring vegetables and cream pies are the traditional staples of Easter dinner. If you’re like most enthusiastic holiday cooks, you’ve made enough for an army. If you have a home freeze dryer, all that extra food can actually serve you well in the days ahead. Yes, you can even freeze dry the pie. Freeze […]

Going Big: Five Reasons to Own a Large Home Freeze Dryer

For many families, Harvest Right’s standard or small freeze dryer is just the right size for their needs. However, our large freeze dryer is a perfect fit for these common situations: Preserving food for big families Preserving the harvest from expansive gardens Implementing a comprehensive long-term food security plan Sharing food with others in need […]

Rehydrating Freeze Dried Fruits and Vegetables

This time of year many of us reevaluate our eating habits and make renewed resolutions to health and weight loss goals. Incorporating freeze dried fruits and vegetables into your plan can help you achieve those goals by reducing the time and money it takes to eat a healthy diet. Plus, as the winter months stretch […]