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Let’s talk about how you can enjoy America’s favorite dessert with help from your Harvest Right Freeze Dryer. The simplest thing you can do is preserve the pies you have made by slicing thin and freeze drying these “spears” of magnificence for later snacking. You may also cut these spears into even smaller bites. Your […]

The Health Benefit of Smoothies

Smoothies taste great, are good for your health, and are best when they are made with nutrient dense ingredients. When made with natural, all real ingredients, like fruits and vegetables, they are a wonderful option for a meal or healthy snack. Drinking a smoothie for breakfast helps get you hydrated for the day, something that coffee […]

Did Astronauts Really Eat Freeze-Dried Ice Cream?

When talking about freeze-dried food with someone, it usually isn’t very long before a question about freeze-dried ice cream comes up. Any space-loving kid can tell you the reason everyone has heard of freeze-dried ice cream is because astronauts love to eat it. Also known as astronaut ice cream or space ice cream, freeze-dried ice […]

Cost Comparison: Store Bought Freeze Dried Eggs vs. Harvest Right

There’s a great new video up by Retired at 40 that you’re going to want to see. (If you don’t follow Retired at 40 on YouTube, the videos chronicle what a retired almost-40-year-old does all day while his wife is at work. He gets up to some fun home projects, experiments, and shenanigans.) In his […]