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Freeze Drying Grapes

Grapes are nearing their peak right now and they’re never better than when harvested in the last days of summer. You may find bulk sales in the grocery store right now, or you may find the sweetest, juiciest bunches at your local farmer’s market. Freeze drying grapes is so easy, and they are versatile and […]

Freeze-dried and Rehydrated Pulled Pork

Greg at Ballistic BBQ has done it again. In May we shared Greg’s video of freeze drying raw ground beef, chiles, cheese, and onion rings. Then he rehydrated the ingredients to make his New Mexico inspired cheeseburger. Yum! You can see that post, here. This time, Greg’s doing pulled pork. He took pork shoulder, some […]

National Ice Cream Sandwich Day – It’s Never Too Late to Celebrate

August 2nd of every year is National Ice Cream Sandwich Day. Did you miss it? Don’t worry, this is one holiday you can enjoy all year. Freeze dried ice cream sandwiches are probably everyone’s favorite treat when they start experimenting with their Harvest Right home freeze dryer. Whether you choose a full-fat brand or a […]

August is National Simplify Your Life Month

August is National Simplify Your Life Month. Doesn’t that sound nice? Preparing meals and stretching a food budget can take up a considerable amount of time and energy. Having a Harvest Right home freeze dryer can drastically reduce the amount of time and energy you spend in the kitchen. (It can also save you hundreds […]

Freeze Dryer Quickly Pays for Itself

A Home Freeze Dryer will quickly pay for itself in a number of ways: Preserve food you normally waste and throw away. Easily preserve produce from gardens and fruit trees. Create your own long term, emergency food storage. A number of studies show that an average American family wastes 40% of their food purchases per […]

Freeze-dried and Rehydrated Cheeseburger

Want to see something really cool? Watch as one of our customers freeze dries and rehydrates raw ground beef, chiles, cheese, and onion rings. You would never guess that his New Mexico inspired cheeseburger had been made with freeze-dried ingredients!

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer Review

Are you on the fence about purchasing a freeze dryer? Here is a review from one of our customers that may help you decide. It’s a little long, but very informational, and well worth the read. It even includes a few tips for the beginner. Read the full review here: “In this review I cover what you get […]

Hiking the Appalachian Trail: Dave Update Days 1 – 6

On April 13th Dave Nelson began a 2200-mile trek on the Appalachian Trail. His journey began in the Springer Mountains of Georgia and will end in Maine. He’ll be walking for five to six months, carrying everything he needs in his backpack. See our introduction to Dave and see his packing list here. We’re happy to […]

Have You Taken the Test?

This month we’re talking about good nutrition and better health. March 24th is American Diabetes Alert Day, and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) is encouraging everyone to take their quick online Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test. The test takes about 60 seconds to complete. It’s important because 86 million Americans have prediabetes, and the majority […]