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Make Ahead Holiday Breakfasts

If your house is anything like most of ours, holidays begin with big family breakfasts. The problem is, if you’re cooking a big Christmas or New Year’s dinner, there’s no room or counter space to also cook a big breakfast for everyone. That’s where your freeze dryer comes in. Breakfast foods freeze dry so well […]

Freeze-dried Ham Dinner

[embedyt][/embedyt] One of the things the home freeze-drying community is talking about is how simple it is to freeze dry and quickly rehydrate entire meals. This comes in handy in a true emergency, such as a power-outage or storm, and in life’s small emergencies, like when your child announces they have a science project […]

Freeze-Dried Turkey Dinner Video

[embedyt][/embedyt] Recently we made a short video to illustrate just how easy it is to freeze dry and rehydrate entire meals. In this video we’re freeze drying sliced turkey breast, gravy, corn and green beans – all in one run. We also prepared mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing in a second run. Notice that […]

Re-hydrating Freeze-Dried Food for the Holidays… and Beyond

A home freeze dryer can make holiday feasts and parties so much easier. Freeze drying allows you to make snacks, entrees and side dishes ahead of time, then quickly re-hydrate and serve. Instead of cooking all day and feeling too exhausted to enjoy your party or holiday meal, you can make, freeze-dry and store dishes […]