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Saving Money with Freeze Drying

Food storage can be both a daunting and expensive task. Even just putting together a years’ worth of storage can break the wallet. It can also be hard to even know where to start. The whole task can be so overwhelming that it’s often easier just to ignore. For anyone that has desired to create […]

Healthy Eating for Your Pet

Many families consider their pet to be an integral part of the family. In fact, an American Animal Hospital Association survey found that 70 percent of people include their pet’s name on greeting and Christmas cards. For these families, making sure their pet is eating healthy food is important. Making sure a pet is happy with their food is now not only possible, but easier […]

Thanksgiving Leftovers

Thanksgiving means getting to indulge on turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and pie and the days after Thanksgiving mean eating the leftovers. Turkey sandwiches, turkey soup, turkey casseroles – even with getting creative, it can be sometimes difficult to eat all that leftover food. Rather than tossing your leftovers, or continuing to move them around in the […]

A ‘Soup’er Great Food to Freeze Dry

There’s nothing like a warm bowl of soup on a cold day. Soup is a meal-time staple with Americans eating more than 10 billion bowls of soup each year. The earliest archaeological evidence for the consumption of soup dates back to 6,000 BC. The soup of choice back then – hippopotamus soup. Taste buds have […]

Winner of a Medium Freeze Dryer

Congratulations to Ryan! He is the winner of a medium Harvest Right freeze dryer. Ryan is a native of the Pacific Northwest and currently resides with his wife, Kari, and their children, on a homestead on the Palouse, a region spreading between eastern Washington and the lower half of North Idaho. He has a podcast called […]

Dehydrating vs. Freeze Drying

Freeze-Dried Food versus Dehydrated Food: What’s the Difference? There’s a fairly common misconception that the terms “dehydrated food” and “freeze-dried food” are the same, but they are not. Knowing the difference helps when deciding how to store and preserve food for your family. History of Dried Foods With any type of long-term food preservation, moisture […]